Wednesday 29 August 2018

5seconds by spectra lyrics

[Verse]I was seeking and sobbing
I took a second just to write this in comfort
My feelings and emotions
Brought me back to life to face all this commotion
This is fucked up,i can't tell
The spirit within that is making my heart scared
This is serious and damn weird
Unfortunately I heard that she kicked the bucket
I cried and cried for days
It's normal I've got to be hated
But seriously you got to believe me
It wasn't my fault,it was written
Certainly I'm a victim
Of a dream I dreamt but couldn't see it
Look at me but I'm living,look at her she is leaving
It just took 5seconds to change my heart
To change my heart,to change my heart

[Verse]Yeah I was choked,i was coughing
Smoking it loud like ain't give fuck buh
Inside I was so down,waiting for the angel to help with a shoulder
It was like a countdown it was looking like real but seem to be lies now
But what do I see,i see my self climbing hill upon hills
But I doubt to believe, it's what we see we seem to believe
With no excuse,i choose to conquer and not to accept defeat
In a blink of an eye I see my self making it really big
With the vision I laid down,i said to my self that I won't be a sinner
With the motives I got, I pre bought i'll never be a player
It took 5seconds to change my life
To change my life,to change my life

[Hook]It took 5seconds to change my heart
To change my heart,To change my heart
It took 5seconds to change my life
to change my life,to change my life

[Verse]Let's talk about addiction
It's killing teens and especially their vision
When they get high in 5seconds the world in all seem to be an illusion
Molly talks,hard work sucks
That's how they plan their future
Weed rocks,success comes
They are never scared of repercussion
That's why I stand my ground as a teen I will never boW
With him I will always stand this ain't gospel but i'll shine

[Repeat]It took 5seconds to change my heart
To change my heart,To change my heart
It took 5seconds to change my life
to change my life,to change my life
to me this world is a fiction
To them is an illusion
So get on your keyboards
Play it with no confusion
With a little emotion

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